
Divisions and Interest Groups

Divisions and Interest groups (DIGs) reflect a broad range of member interests within 26 management disciplines. They provide collective relationships among members within a particular subject area who share similar aspects of research, interests and professional scholarship. Each DIG offers a specific range of services, educational sessions and social events at the Annual Meeting. DIG websites offer resources such as professional development opportunities, recognition programs, and member communications specific to each DIG.


  • Divisions focus on established bodies of scholarship and have a unique intellectual contribution to the field.
  • Divisions are comprised of members who regularly make scholarly contributions applicable to the management field through firmly rooted research recorded in scholarly books and journals.

Interest Groups

  • Interest Groups focus on emerging trends within distinct bodies of scholarship.
  • Interest Groups are organized around trends not represented within the Divisions and represent an area to which AOM members are beginning or likely to make scholarly contributions.

Explore all Divisions and Interest Groups

  • Micro cluster Micro DIGs focus on individual people, typically drawing on the discipline of psychology.
  • Macro cluster Macro DIGs focus on industries, markets, professions, or other large social units, typically drawing on economics and sociology.
  • Meso cluster Meso DIGs focus on intermediary social structures and processes that form connections between the micro and macro domains, drawing on diverse social science disciplines.

Changing your Division or Interest Group Selection

An AOM Membership allows you to join two Divisions and/or Interest Groups. Consider expanding your network and research partners by adding another DIG. Log into your Member Profile and add a DIG today.

  • Additional Divisions: $11USD
  • Additional Interest Groups: $7USD

Did you know…

  • Almost half of AOM's members join more than two DIGs
  • There are nearly 30,000 connections within AOM's DIGs

Division and Interest Group Newsletters

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