
Submitting to
Academy of Management Learning & Education

Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE) journal publishes a wide range of materials devoted to management education in colleges and universities, and all organizations that formally foster learning about management in four content areas: research and reviews, essays and dialogues, book and research reviews, and exemplary contributions. AMLE is not a teaching-practice journal that publishes descriptive work, rather, it is a scholarly journal that publishes rigorous logical and empirical analyses of courses, curricula, programs, and other practices within business schools that contribute to theoretical debate.

Research and Reviews Submissions Should

  • Be quantitative or qualitative empirical manuscripts, or conceptual research, or literature reviews
  • Be focused on management learning and education and/or the business of business schools
  • Consider prior literature, relevant theoretical perspectives, and make a contribution to theoretical debate
  • Have practical as well as theoretical implications
  • Normally be up to 40 pages in length, double-spaced, inclusive of all figures, tables, and references (references may be single-spaced), although qualitative manuscripts with extensive rich data may be slightly longer

Essay Submissions Should

  • Be provocative manuscripts on current and future issues and trends in teaching, learning, and management education
  • Be original commentaries or critiques, and must not be narrative accounts of author experiences with specific instructional technologies, techniques, courses, or program creation
  • Be up to 35 pages in length, double-spaced, inclusive of all figures, tables, and references (references may be single-spaced)

Authors are encouraged to explore ideas for essay manuscripts with the section editor:

Bill Harley, Associate Editor


Dialogue Submissions Should

  • Be original commentaries or critiques of Exemplary Contributions, Research & Reviews, or Essays published in AMLE
  • Broadly advance the state of scholarship in the area of the target paper, as opposed to being primarily critiques of the reasoning or methodology of the target paper (authors of the target paper are generally not permitted to respond to a Dialogue. This point implies specifically:
    • Critique is easy, but turning any identified weakness into a theoretical opportunity is another matter. That is, given the clearly justified weaknesses in the theorizing of a target paper, what solutions does a dialogue piece propose to constructively advance the debate? Seen in this way, we handle dialogue pieces the same way that AMR does (please see recent In-Press examples). The focus on theoretical extensions or re-directions is also consistent with AMLE being a highly ranked theory-driven journal (Lindebaum, 2023).
    • The focus on “broadly advancing the state of scholarship” rather than “critiques of the reasoning or methodology of the target paper” implies, for instance, that an essay cannot be critiqued for being nothing else than “mere opinion.” Not only does this represent an outdated perspective—judging by many essay sections across major management journals—but AMLE essays have gained a reputation because they combine disciplined provocation, theoretical contributions, and proposals for improved practice (Vince and Hibbert, 2018; Lindebaum and Wright, 2021; Hibbert et al., 2023). Any dialogue piece wishing to critique the method of a paper only would be discouraged. However, when the dialogue piece could fruitfully tap into theory-method linkages (Gehman et al., 2018), then the request for a dialogue piece could be considered.
  • Dialogue pieces are expected to be constructive and development in nature (Ragins, 2015), while not shying away from articulating well-grounded reservations AND extensions or re-directions about the theorizing of the target paper (see also point 2a).
  • Depending on the circumstances of each proposed dialogue piece, the dialogue submission might be sent for expedited peer-review.
  • Be up to 15 pages in length, double-spaced, inclusive of all figures, tables, and references (references may be single-spaced)

Before developing a dialogue manuscript, prospective authors must consult with the Editor to ensure that their topic and approach is consistent with AMLE's mission and audience:

Dirk Lindebaum, Editor



Gehman J., Glaser V..L, Eisenhardt K.M., et al. 2018. Finding Theory–Method Fit: A Comparison of Three Qualitative Approaches to Theory Building. Journal of Management Inquiry 27(3): 284-300.

Hibbert, P., Caza, A., Coraiola, D.M., et al. 2023. Why Be an Editor? Academy of Management Learning & Education. DOI: 10.5465/amle.2023.0435.

Lindebaum, D. 2023. Management Learning and Education as “Big Picture” Social Science. Academy of Management Learning & Education.

Lindebaum, D. and Wright, A.L. 2021. From the Editors: Imagining scientific articles and essays as productive co-existence. Academy of Management Learning & Education 20(2): 127-132.

Ragins, B.R. 2015. Editor's Comments: Developing Our Authors. Academy of Management Review 40(1): 1-8.

Vince, R. and Hibbert, P. 2018. From the AMLE Editorial Team: Disciplined Provocation: Writing Essays for AMLE. Academy of Management Learning & Education 17(4): 397-400.

Exemplary Contributions Should

  • Be written by prominent scholars or practitioners
  • Be specifically invited by the Editor, and not unsolicited

Suggestions of individuals who have made significant contributions to management learning and education may be sent to:

Dirk Lindebaum, Editor

Book and Resource Reviews Should

  • Focus on materials that can be used by management educators, practitioners, and researchers.
  • Include resources drawn from across the disciplines.

Readers interested in writing reviews and those who have suggestions of materials for review should:

The objective of the Books and Resource Review (B&RR) section of AMLE is to provide our readers with insightful and informative reviews of a diverse array of resources. Remember that we aim to publish thoughtful critiques of resources, not simply summaries of those works. Reviews should also establish a clear link with ongoing debates within AMLE, and serve as an inspiration for further theoretical/empirical work that can improve practice.

We define the term “resources” broadly – such that we are interested in reviews of not only books but a range of resources relevant to MLE in the 21st century--software, hardware, websites, podcasts, technology, training programs, experiential exercises, simulations, and other tools that may assist management educators and practitioners in developing their knowledge, skills, and awareness are all potential resources for review. We also welcome proposals for resource review collections (a set of separate but related reviews on resources on a similar topic). Additionally, the current editorial board has made a strategic decision to include reviews of resources drawn from outside of the MLE domain for as long as the relevance for MLE is made very clear. As a result, we are particularly interested in reviews of applicable resources drawn from across other disciplines (e.g., Computer Sciences, Engineering, Education, Journalism, Humanities, Law, Medicine & Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences).

Although the editors will initiate the review of both popular and classic media, we encourage editorial board members, and indeed Academy of Management members, to recommend specific reviews that AMLE should undertake. It should be stressed that AMLE will strive to address the range of interests represented by all divisions and interest groups of the Academy. In addition, we will strive to represent alternative, unique, and emerging viewpoints from across the disciplines and around the globe, both in the selection of resources and the selection of reviewers.

What follows is a recommended format for the reviews. We encourage you to follow this but also to consider whether an alternative approach might be appropriate given the nature of the resource, and the nature of the review undertaken. If an alternative approach is preferred, please contact the B&RR section editor, Laura Colombo, at, before beginning the review, using the phrase AMLE Book and Resource Reviews in the subject line. All reviews should be submitted to AMLE using the Manuscript Central portal.

The Review

  1. Titles and Pre-Review Information: At the beginning of your review, place the following information:

              Copyright Academy of Management Learning and Education


              (Title) The Great American Novel about Management

              By Jane R. Doe and John M. Doe. New York, NY: Universal Publishers, 2001. 545 pages, hard cover.

              Reviewed by J. B. Arbaugh, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, (email address here).

  1. First paragraph: Description. Explain what the resource (book, video, exercise, simulation, etc.) is about. Try to capture the reader’s attention early on by identifying what kind of conversation in AMLE the resource review speaks to, and who might be interested in reading this resource review (i.e., who is the target audience?)
  1. Main part: Analysis. Relate to the main points of the work. Craft an analysis of these points so that the reader can very quickly get a good feeling for both the material itself and your perspective on how the material contributes insights to MLE. You can use quotes sparingly, and as long as they are not too long. If quotes are used, indicate the page numbers after the quote. Please do not use footnotes. References should follow AMLE style guidelines. These will signal to readers what kind of MLE conversation and audience is targeted by the resource being reviewed.
  1. Latter paragraphs: Evaluation. Conclude your review by succinctly giving your overall opinion. Ensure you adopt a constructive tone to help the reader understand both your concerns and/or favorable assessments. Include how you plan to use the work in your research and/or courses, if appropriate. Finally, if applicable, how could practitioners benefit from this material?

The Format

  1. Length: Maximum is 1500 words (about six typed double spaced pages). Although there is no minimum, please use 1000 words (about four pages) as a If the review should run shorter or longer, please contact the section editor, Laura Colombo.
  1. Type: 12 point, including all Times New Roman is the font. No bolding. Use Italics to highlight a word or phrase. Place book titles in Italics when used in the body of the review.
  1. Headings: No No page headers. Page numbering at the bottom center of the page.
  1. Margins: Use 1” margins all around.
  1. Citing References (of no more than 5-6 references) as per AMLE style guidance. Please do not use footnotes or endnotes in your review.

    The Submission 

    1. Form: Submit your review to the AMLE portal:
    1. Finally, if you have any questions about your review submission or the submission process itself, please contact Laura Colombo via email (

    Style Guidelines

    Please review our Style Guide for manuscript requirements prior to submitting.


    View AOM’s Ethics policy page, which includes our Code of Ethics and detailed procedures and inquiry requests.

    For more information, contact

    Review Process

    The editor will screen all manuscripts submitted to the Research and Reviews, Essays, and Dialogues sections. In some cases, a manuscript may be returned without peer review if it is judged to be inappropriate for publication in AMLE. Manuscripts that are deficient in grammar, spelling, and punctuation also may be returned without review.

    Manuscripts judged to be consistent with the mission and standards of AMLE will be submitted for double-blind review to at least two referees as dictated by content. At least one referee is usually an Editorial Board member. Submitting authors can expect to receive first-round feedback via email in approximately 75 days, moderated by the editor or an associate editor.

    Manuscripts will be evaluated by referees on the following criteria (criteria will be selectively applied, based on the nature and type of the manuscript):

    • Originality and importance of core ideas
    • Quality of treatment of the relevant existing literature
    • Quality of the presentation of ideas
    • Design and execution of research methodology (if appropriate)
    • Overall contribution of the article to the advancement of management education

    Authors are encouraged to solicit feedback from colleagues on early drafts. A manuscript can be improved dramatically when knowledgeable reviewers are asked for reactions in advance of submission. Manuscripts are considered with the understanding that their contents have not been published and are not under consideration elsewhere. Presentation of a paper at a professional meeting does not disqualify it from consideration.

    Submission of a manuscript to AMLE also carries an implicit quid pro quo: willingness to review for AMLE. The cornerstone of the editorial process at AMLE is the willingness of colleagues to provide each other feedback through peer review. Authors who submit manuscripts to AMLE for review are expected to reciprocate by reviewing for AMLE if called upon to do so.

    Directions for Users with an Account

    Go to the Manuscript Central Website at and log in. At the Welcome Page, go to Author Center. On the right-hand side of the page, you will see Author Resources. Click below to submit a new document.

    This is a six-step process.

    1. Type, title & abstract
      • Document Type: From the drop-down menu, select type of document.
      • Insert title.
      • Insert abstract (if you are submitting a proposal, insert a brief description about your proposal). 
    2. Attributes
      • Keyword: We require that you submit three keywords for each document you are submitting. From the drop-down menu of keywords, select a keyword, then click Add.
    3. Authors & institutions
      • This page allows you to add additional authors.
    4. Details & comments
      • Answer all questions on this page. Please note that you should include any acknowledgements in the Cover Letter section. All author identifiers must be removed from your work prior to submission. Refer to submission requirements for details.
    5. File upload
      • Please note that File Designation is a drop down list and refers to the type of document that the author is uploading: cover letter, main document, supplementary file for review (which can be viewed by editors and reviewers), or supplementary file not for review (for the editor's eyes only).
    6. Review & submit
      • This page allows you to review your entire application and make any necessary changes before submitting.

    If you need assistance uploading your paper, please contact the ScholarOne helpline on weekdays (Monday - Friday)between 2400 - 2030 EST (UTC - 5) at 1-434-964-4100 or 1-888-503-1050 (US). You may also email them at: or visit their website.

    Directions for New Users

    Go to the Manuscript Central Website at On the right-hand side, you will see a box that says New User? Click on "Register here."

    Registering is a three-step process.

    1. Email and name: Enter salutation, name, and email address
    2. Address: Enter mailing address
    3. User ID & password: Here, you must create a password.
      1. Keyword: We require that you submit three keywords for each document you are submitting. From the drop-down menu of keywords,select a keyword, then click Add
      2. Unavailable dates: This is only for reviewers. Please leave blank.
      3. Signature: Insert your name and title.
      4. Browse: This should be left blank; you will upload your document later.

    If you need assistance uploading your paper, please contact the ScholarOne helpline on weekdays (Monday - Friday) between 2400 - 2030 EST (UTC - 5) at 1-434-964-4100 or 1-888-503-1050 (US). You may also email them at: or visit their website.

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